Squamous Cell Carcinoma

More commonly found on the face, SCCs like BCCs are mostly treated with Surgery. This entails excision and skin closure. These common tumours leave defects which often cannot close by simple skin direct closure but necessitate reconstructive techniques such as local flaps or skin grafts.

Using techniques learned in the UK and Australia, Mr Potter will reconstruct using principals used in aesthetic surgery to place as many incisions on natural skin folds to hide surgical scars as well as maintain as much function as possible.

Unlike BCCs, Squamous Cell Carcinomas have a small potential to spread (2%). For this reason patients with SCCs Mr Potter treats will have the benefit of having their case put before a multidisciplinary skin cancer meeting. This provides reassurance to the patient that we are reviewing their case by a panel of Doctors skilled in the art of skin cancer. All treatment modalities including Surgery will discussed.

Matthew Potter | Experience

Matthew has extensive expertise treating complex SCC patients which includes a disease process which has spread to the lymph glands. Mr Potter will monitor for any spread of the disease through long term follow up and has the experience of being able to remove any spread of disease to the regional lymph glands (Groin, Armpit and Neck). Mr Potter has published the second largest series world wide on Squamous Cell Carcinomas.

Patient Feedback

Please click here to read testimonials and feedback from Matthew Potter’s patients.

The Data:

Mr Potter is the senior author of the UKs largest series of Squamous Cell Carcinomas. This series is the second largest series world wide.

Mr Potter has also separately published on excision margins for SCCs and the need for specialist skills of excisional surgeons when dealing with complex head and neck tumours where the deep margin is critical.

National average for complete peripheral excision rate of SCCs in minor surgery


Mr Potter’s complete peripheral excision rate of SCCs in minor surgery


Number of local flaps lost in reconstructing defects following SCC excision (last 3 years)


Number of full thickness skin grafts lost in reconstructing defects following SCC excision (last 3 years)


Percentage return to theatre following SCC excision



I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the outstanding treatment I have received under your care during my treatment for skin cancer. You were extremely approachable and were excellent in communicating vital information to me and my wife prior to surgery.

I had a diagnosis of a squamous cell carcinoma on my nose in 2016. After one attempt to remove this in day surgery at the Churchill Hospital the condition recurred. I got a referral to Consultant Plastic Surgeon Matthew Potter to explore my options. Matt was brilliant from the outset.

He explained clearly about possibilities of radiotherapy or surgery or a combination of the two, with clear and honest advice on the pros and cons of each. In the end I opted for full surgery, which entailed removing most of the skin across my entire nose and replacing it with a graft from the side of my neck.

In practice, he carried out the work using sections to assess whether he could remove all of the cancerous skin. This seems to have been highly successful and the whole carcinoma was removed with a healthy margin all around. Despite the radical nature of this procedure, the graft has taken well and healed almost invisibly.

I cannot praise Matt and his team’s skill enough in achieving this result. Since then, Matt and his team at the Blenheim Head and Neck unit continues to monitor me, during which they have checked me over at regular intervals to ensure there has been no recurrence of the SCC or related complications anywhere on my body – none so far!

These inspections are always conducted with great thoroughness, courtesy and professionalism, and inspire confidence that I am receiving the best possible treatment. I cannot thank Mr Potter enough for the efforts of him and his team and would recommend him without reservation.

He showed us photos, managing expectation, his skills were amazing, the results fantastic. I can’t thank him enough and strongly recommend him as he is a very talented surgeon.


Thank you for everything over the last year and looking after my skin cancers