Skin Rejuvenation Retinols To Lasers

As we age the cells that make up the skin turn over more slowly. Skin also stretches and pulls from the movement of the underlying facial muscles. This causes the skin to loose its youthful appearance as well as forming fine lines from the puckering of the skin as muscles contract.

Conventional moisturisers improve the appearance of the skin by rehydration. This causes the skin to potentially swell with the idea that this would flatten wrinkles and improve one’s youthful appearance.

Over the last decade topical medications (Retinols) show to increase/moderate the cellular turnover within the skin. They therefore cause the skin to turnover more quickly and increase the youthful appearance. There are a wide range of Retinol creams available. While they can improve ones appearance they can also cause redness and if used without direction can be problematic.

Mr Potter uses a range of Retinol treatments and where appropriate will introduce you to this range. Once embarking on Retinols, patients are closely monitored to make sure you achieve the desired result yet minimise the side effects. These retinols are used in conjunction with a 5 point skin preparation and rehydration care regime.

Mr Potter works in a multi disciplinary aesthetic unit (Stratum) which has expertise in:

Venus Skin Treatments
Photo Rejuvenation
Laser Rejuvenation

All patients have differing needs and desires. Providing the full range of non-surgical and surgical treatments to facial rejuvenation means that each patient is given a tailored treatment to their concerns, rather than a one size fits all approach.

If you would like to discuss potential treatment with Matthew Potter please contact us here.

I was feeling unhappy about my skin, it was looking dull and tired, the joys of turning 40 and spending my childhood in the sun. After speaking to Mr Potter, he recommended I start using Prescription retinols, nothing radical but a great solution for my kind of skin. He’s extremely encouraging and thorough when talking through the benefits of the product.

This included using an spf all the time as retinols are very sensitive to the sun. I was so happy with the results, after a few weeks people were commenting on the youthful appearance of my skin, brilliant!! I’ve been back to Mr Potter to get more of the product and he continues to give me excellent care and advice!

I went to see Mr Potter to talk to him about wanting to look younger, more like my old self. Found him to be easy to talk to and very patient with me. I’ve seen him a few times now and I’m trying facial creams that are wonderful.

I can’t recommend him highly enough.