Overview To Facial Aesthetics

As the face matures, parts change, descend and loose their youthful fullness. The three factors that cause a face to age include;

1. Loss of fat volume
2. Weakening of the facial structures to cause descent
3. Skin wrinkling

It is rare that the above factors arise independently. They are more likely to arise as a combination but in different proportions between individuals. The rejuvenation of the face therefore should address all of the above factors to the degree that each and every face is affected. Traditional facelifting techniques have concentrated on re-draping and elevating the face however this doesn’t address the loss of fat. Where appropriate in areas of fat loss we fill these areas using a new form of liposculpting (micro fat injections). This form of liposculpture has an arguably better “take” of the fat than conventional fat lipofilling/sculpture. Micro fat aims to restore the fullness to the facial areas most especially cheeks and areas under the eyes.

Ageing also varies by affecting different parts of the face. With certain patients the lower face or neck may have descended more than say the upper face. With others the brow or eye lids may well have descended and hence rejuvenation to this area would be appropriate. These areas are not in isolation but are part of the whole and thus often treating parts separately or in an isolated fashion may lead to an imbalance in the face. It may well be necessary to have several units treated together rather than small separate areas treated in isolation. We may optimise areas by a combination of non-surgical and surgical treatments.

There are many different types of surgery or non-surgical modalities for rejuvenating the face. Such techniques overlap in their roles and many promise exceptional results with minimal down time.

While many patients move to surgery as their mainstay of treatment to freshen and rejuvenate their appearance Mr Potter will take time to first evaluate your face, its proportions and the ideal in regard to your bone structure. Mr Potter as a Head and Neck surgeon has the knowledge and expertise to rejuvenate by changing any aspect of the face from the underlying bone to its overlying structures of the fascia that support the skin.

Mr Potter will discuss the merits of each modality of treatment available to you and what he feels would give you an optimum result. He also works along side colleagues with expertise in laser therapy and other non-surgical modalities in facial rejuvenation. With this in mind we give patients the opportunity to have a multi-disciplinary review by clinicians either in one combined clinic or separately. With this in mind you will be offered the right option or combination of options to suit you rather than being offered a one size fits all approach.

If you are interested in discussing potential treatment with Matthew Potter please contact us here.