Muscle Relaxing Injections

Muscle relaxing injections were introduced decades ago and have markedly transformed the cosmetic industry. A wide range of health care practitioners in the UK can provide them. Their effects are short-lived, lasting for 3 months and thus if mis-administered patients recover potentially with no long term sequelae.

Mr Potter has been undertaking muscle relaxing injections for approximately 10 years. He originally used botulinum toxin injections within his NHS practice giving symmetry and facial balance to those with facial palsy. This has given him a great understanding as to how patients respond to Muscle relaxing injections as well as how a one dose and one technique fits all policy is definitely not appropriate with this rejuvenation treatment.

Every patient generally has differing needs for muscle relaxing injections. If utilised properly the effects can be dramatic in not only decreasing the fine lines of the face but also improving the tone of the face and giving a refreshed, balanced more youthful look. Many patients are concerned that muscle relaxing injections will give a face that has obvious features of having treatment.

It could be a non harmonious look within certain areas of the face with little to no contraction and others contracting well with associated wrinkles. This can be most evident in treating the forehead. We believe that this look doesn’t restore a youthful appearance rather gives an unnatural look. Decreasing wrinkles doesn’t necessarily mean having an area that doesn’t move as this looks unnatural and is not our policy.

How do muscle relaxing injections work?

Muscle relaxing injections acts directly on the nerve muscle interface and in turn it causes the muscles to stop contracting. By decreasing the activity of the muscles under the skin the skin doesn’t to the same degree, decreasing the wrinkling by skin bunching up over a contracting muscle.

After a few months the toxin later decreases its action on the nerves and the muscle starts to contract. We’re not aware of any case in the medical literature where the effects of muscle relaxing injections have been permanent.

How are muscle relaxing injections administered?

Muscle relaxing injections we administer using a very fine needle within a clinic setting. The injection itself should be relatively painless. However, the infiltration of the area with Botulinum toxin may give a slight sting. Many patients have commented that it is similar to acupuncture.

The process of having the injections may well take up to an hour for the first time however with repeated episodes this may well take under 15 minutes.


Post Procedure Care:

Most patients go back to work after such injections often within the hour. Immediately after the injection there may be a small area of redness associated with the inflammation at the injection site. However, this usually settles within the hour.

We advise that you do not massage the area for the rest of the day. This can potentially spread the botox to areas where it is not needed. We advise you to avoid lifting, straining or bending forwards as this may increase the chance of post injection bruising. Most patients can apply make up after the procedure but avoid massaging or spreading the botulinum toxin.

We advise that you do not attend for these injections having undertaken exercise as we have found that this may well cause an increase chance of bruising. In our practice we find that every patient and their response to these injections is different.

Mr Potter tailors the dose and the sites of the injections to each patient dependent on the visible and palpable activity of the underlying muscles. We like to review each patient two weeks after their primary injections to note the response and if need be “top up” the injections to give the correct outcome.

What are the pros?

The benefits of muscle relaxing injections are to decrease the wrinkles to the affected area. You can use them to rejuvenate by elevating brows and increasing symmetry to the face.

What are the risks?

The major risk associated with these injections is post injection bruising but this is rare. We limit this by us taking our time to give the injections and the use of special “micro” needles.

Other risks include:

1. Mild Headache
2. Under or Over-correction.
3. Weakness of eyelid elevating or closing muscles (never happened to Mr Potters patients)
4. Asymmetry

Are there any reasons that I should not have muscle relaxing Injections?

1. We do not administer these injections in those that have an allergy to albumin or eggs
2. Any patient with muscular diseases or diseases of the nerves should avoid having these injections
3. There are some reports of interactions with some antibiotics and we will talk you through this at the time of the first consultation

You may have seen those in the public eye that have smooth foreheads yet maintain the movement of the muscles and have normal facial expression. This may well be because they are fortunate to have aged well. It is however more likely that they have had their muscle relaxing injections administered differently from the conventional way, most especially to the forehead.

Mr Potter specialises in this novel technique. This technique takes longer to give than conventional muscle relaxing injections. We can undertake this within the office setting and we administer within an hour. It is often done in conjunction with injections undertaken in a conventional manner, to the lines to the outside of the eyes as well as to creases between the eye brows. The effect of this technique lasts as long as conventional muscle relaxing treatments.

Matthew was recommended by a friend who had received excellent advice and care from him and it was the best recommendation that I could have followed. I had been considering muscle relaxing injections for sometime due to a few deep frown lines and had been to meetings at various other clinics.

As soon as I met Matthew I had a sense of confidence that I had not had at any of my previous meetings with others I had encountered, he put me at ease straight away, he is extremely knowledgeable, completely listened to my concerns and focused on the solutions he would recommend.

There was absolutely no pressure for me to take the treatment forward, in fact completely the opposite, as he wanted to ensure that I made the right decision and for the right reasons.

I went ahead with the first muscle relaxing injection treatment last year and have since had a further 2 treatments, I completely trust his judgement and he constantly ensures that you are comfortable when undertaking the injections, taking time and care at all times.

I’ve also recently started to use retinol based products and the effects have been fantastic. I couldn’t recommend Matthew enough and would not consider any other route or Dr now for this treatment.

Matt Potter was highly recommended by a friend and so I went to him for muscle relaxing injections under the arms to try and help with excess sweating.

Matt was extremely approachable and explained the process in detail. It was a totally painless procedure and I really feel like a new man – no sweating which has changed my life during this heatwave!! Thanks Matt.