Earlobe Correction

For earlobe correction, we commonly see patients with two forms of ear lobe concerns:

The Split Earlobe

The Expanded Earlobe

If you would like to discuss potential earlobe correction treatment with Matthew Potter please contact us here.

This form or earlobe deformity is typically common following trauma to ears from an earring. Large or small splits and complete divisions we can correct with a local anaesthetic procedure. The closed wound needs no dressings and we perform as an out patient short procedure of approximately an hour.

The surgical sites are commonly closed with sutures that we remove a week post op. The dressings used following this procedure are minimal. Commonly we use a surgical tape or an antibiotic dressing cream. Both of these allow for showering the day after the operation.

Large or small expanded ear lobes we treat with surgical correction by a local anaesthetic procedure which we undertake as a procedure lasting approximately an hour. It is unlikely that the wound would need dressings and all sutures we remove after a week. The scar following this procedure is neatly hidden in a crease by the ear.

The surgical sites are commonly closed with sutures that need to be removed at a week. The dressings used following this procedure are minimal. Commonly we use a surgical tape or an antibiotic dressing cream. Both of these allow for showering the day after the operation.

I would like you to know how much I appreciated the exemplary care I received during my stay.

Matthew Potter is kind, caring and capable. He explained the whole process and recovery to me. Going to the Manor Hospital & The Stratum Clinic was always pleasant and everyone was caring and considerate.