Overview To Complex Skin Cancers

Skin cancers of the head and neck if left can invade local tissues such as the ear, nose, eye, the skull and also the skull base. The removal of such tumours is complex and involves other surgical specialities including Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeons and Neurosurgeons.

Mr Potter undertakes approximately 30 such complex cases per year. All of these such cases we discuss in a Skin Cancer MDT, a Head and Neck MDT and where appropriate a Skull Base MDT.

Complex Skin Cancers of the head and neck if left can invade local tissues such as the ear, nose, eye and also the skull base

The removal of such tumours is complex and involves other surgical specialities. These include Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeons as well as Neurosurgeons.

Mr Potter undertakes approximately 30 such complex cases per year. All of these such cases we discuss in a Skin Cancer MDT, a Head and Neck MDT and where appropriate a Skull Base MDT.

Skin tumours are complex skin cancers that are invading tissues on the side of the face. These can involve the ear, the jaw bones and also the parotid gland and the facial nerve.

Mr Potter has extensive experience in reconstructing and excising such tumours. His approach to reconstructing the ear and associated defects is to use a cartilage strut to provide stability and definition.

By using a local flap from the neck to provide skin cover that not only has a near identical colour match but also has sensation. Furthermore it should be a similar texture and feel to the native skin that was removed with the tumour.

If you are interested in discussing potential treatment with Matthew Potter please contact us here.