Brow Lift

With time the brow descends which not only gives a tired appearance but it also causes increased contracture of the forehead muscles. Significantly this is associated wrinkles as well as excess skin within the upper eye lid and potential hooding of this skin over the eye.

Mr Potter can elevate the brow by surgical and non surgical means and will specifically go through with you all the options available and their benefits and risks.

The process of surgical brow lift elevation varies and depends upon your age and your desires.

The traditional method of elevating the brow is via an “endoscopic brow lift”, subsequently this elevates the brow giving a peak in the mid brow. Mr Potter feels that this elevation gives an un-natural appearance. The peak of the brow should not be within the centre of the brow but more towards the outer aspect of the brow.

Lateral Temporal Lift

This brow lift technique elevates the brow “up and out” which we feel is more attractive and natural. The incision for this procedure we hide within the temporal hair bearing skin. There are no visible scars. We suspend the brow by internal sutures within the temple area.

This procedures done in conjunction with removal of skin excess to the upper eye lid (Upper Blepharoplsty) in order to restore a fresher appearance.

To minimise the pull of the muscles on the eye brow after the procedure Mr Potter may inject your forehead with Botulinum Toxin at least two weeks prior to the procedure, done in the out patient setting and takes approximately 30 minutes.

If you are therefore interested in discussing potential treatment with Matthew Potter please contact us here.

We will admit you on the day of the procedure and we undertake the operation with a general anaesthetic.

Generally on average the operation takes 1-2 hours.

Patients are typically discharged mostly after a single night’s stay, however, the eyelids and forehead may well become swollen and bruised for up to a week.

You’ll need oral pain killers for 2-3 days and we advise you to shower and wash the area every day.

You will have fine sutures within the scalp skin which we remove a week to ten days by a cosmetic nurse led clinic at your hospital.

We will provide you antibiotic ointment to apply to the operative sites which you need to apply every evening prior to sleep, for the next two weeks.

We therefore advise you to sleep using two to three pillows.

Most people leave two weeks after this procedure before returning to work.

It’s advisable to avoid coughing, straining and bending down for at least a week following this procedure.

You will be seen by Mr Potter at about three weeks after the procedure for the first initial post operative check.

Before After Image
Before After Image
Before After Image
Before After Image

Number of years undertaking brow lifts


Long term pain


Facial nerve injury /paralysis post operatively


Haematoma post operatively


Unplanned return to theatre < 30days


Long term loss of sensation to the forehead


Average length of post operative stay

1 night

Time taken to undertake office work

2 weeks on average

Asymmetry needing revision

single case

I wish to thank you and your team sincerely for the hard work you all put in yesterday and I really appreciated your care and gentleness.

Thank you for being a doctor who is skilled at the “people” side too.

Many thanks for an excellent job. No pain killers needed and not too much discomfort.

I would like you to know how much I appreciate the exemplary care I received during my stay.