Benign Lesion Surgery

What does the surgery involve?

We undertake this with a local anaesthetic. The local anaesthetic may well involve the application of an anaesthetic cream or small injections or a combination of both. We can occassionally remove skin lesions by non surgical means such as the application of liquid nitrogen which gives a controlled freeze to the area causing this to redden then scab over. This scab then lifts after a week or so revealing fresh skin.

Surgical excision can involve shaving the lesion off at the level of the surrounding skin. This gives a flat scar that scabs and then lifts off after a week or so.

Lesions not amenable to shave excision or non surgical means we remove by a formal “excision biopsy” this takes the lesion with a small cuff of surrounding skin. The skin and lesion we remove as an ellipse and the defect closed with sutures. The closure will be done in such away to potentially lie in pre-existing skin folds/lines to minimise noticeable scars.

Post operative dressings are kept to an absolute minimum with the idea that all surgical sites are amenable to getting under a shower head and washed with soap and water the day after the procedure.

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These include lesions such as:

  • Seborrhoeic keratoses Bowen’s Disease
  • Actinic Keratoses
  • Cysts
  • Warts
  • Verrucas
  • Skin Tags
  • Lumps & Bumps Under The Skin (fatty lumps called Lipomas).

These lesions are typically obvious and visible, being found commonly on exposed areas such as the face. Treating such lesions does not necessarily involve surgery. Many non surgical modalities available which we will discuss in detail with you at your out-patient review. Mr Potter has extensive experience in removing benign skin lesions and has been undertaking such Surgery since 2000.

If for any reason you or Mr Potter have concerns regarding the nature of your lesion he will discuss this from the outset. As a skin cancer specialist Consultant within the NHS Mr Potter has the skills and support to make sure that we treat your lesion appropriately without compromising any potential further treatment if needed. Where appropriate your lesion will be sent for pathological analysis (biopsy).