Abnormal Scars

All wounds heal with scars. These mature and develop over an average of one to two years. How they develop varies from person to person, how they have healed, whether there was any infection and the site of the body on which they occur. The initial scar should be thin and have a hue paler than the surrounding skin.

This scar is then replaced with tissue that is more vascular and has a pinker appearance and may well be thicker. This process usually lasts for 6 months after which the scar should start to flatten and its colour should fade to that of the surrounding skin or paler. Most scars have matured at 24 months however some may take longer.

Scar care as directed by a clinician trained in wound healing and scar management may well speed up this process of scar maturation.

Scars may well be:

1. Thickened
2. Raised
3. Dimpled
4. Have associated cross hatching from previous sutures
5. Lie in an orientation that makes the scar more apparent
6. Stuck or tethered to underlying tissues

Mr Potter has undertaken a higher degree in wound healing and scar research/management. Mr Potter is suitable to manage the excision, reorientation and reconstruction of abnormal scars and their defects. He also has techniques such as injection therapies, pressure devices, fat grafting, dermal fat grafting as well as the appropriate use of fillers to improve such apparent scars where necessary.

If you would like to discuss potential treatment with Matthew Potter please contact us here.

I would just like to say thank-you for all the help you have given me. It’s nice to know that there are doctors like you around.

So grateful.

I was an in-patient following an orthopaedic procedure but unfortunately fell and suffered a deep 5cm gash to my forehead. Mr Potter happened to be in the hospital at the time and was able to treat me. Even though it was only a few weeks ago, the outcome has been excellent and the scar is already barely visible. Mr Potter was very friendly and reassuring at what was a worrying time and his work is self-evidently of the highest quality. I would have no hesitation in recommending Mr Potter.

I have recently been seen by Mr Potter for a wide local excision following a NHS initial excision. I wanted a private Plastic Surgeon in order to ensure the scar would be presented at its best. Although it is early days and the scar is healing well and the results are looking great thus far, if anyone wants a surgeon who takes time to explain what the condition is you have and has an excellent bed side manner with excellent results, I can assure you that all of these qualities and more Mr Potter displays. I would say I am the worst patient ever and he definitely put me at ease. After care is excellent and I would not go to anyone else now that I have experienced his professional care and skills.