Cancer Surgery Safety

Multi Disciplinary Team meetings

Any patient with a diagnosis of cancer treated by Mr Potter will have their biopsy specimen reviewed through a specialist multi disciplinary committee meeting. This includes patients with;

1. Skin Cancer
2. Head & Neck Cancer
3. Soft Tissue Cancer (Sarcoma)
4. Tumours Involving The Cranium Or Skull

At these meetings we not only discuss pathology but where appropriate all radiology reviewed, thus reassuring you that we double check the treatment regime against a committee panel. Those patients that have their case discussed prior to any procedure will also have their post operative pathology discussed and reviewed at the same meeting. Additionally, where appropriate you will have the opportunity to discuss any relevant alternatives to surgery to treat your lesion.

Matthew Potter presently stays up to date by attending and presenting at international congresses. Furthermore he regularly audits his outcomes for excision rates, survival rates and publishes this data within the *International Medical Literature.

Mr Potter works within teams of allied specialities for each cancer site. All lesions removed are sent for pathological review.

All patients undergoing local anaesthetic minor operations have their outcomes audited by a patient completed survey following the procedure. Following the audits, we publish this data annually on this web site.

Aesthetic Surgery Safety

Matthew Potter welcomes open and honest patient feedback through independent web sites such as “I Want Great Care” and undertakes yearly audits of the outcome of all our aesthetic patients. We upload audit data to this site annually.

We only charge for a single out patient review before surgery for all aesthetic cases. All other consultations are without charge. This enables us to see patients without any financial concerns to them.

Matthew only undertakes General anaesthetic cases within major independent hospital groups such as BMI and Nuffield.

Matthew Potter doesn’t work as an isolated practitioner, and instead has Plastic Surgical colleagues to cover reviews if occasionally away on annual leave or on study leave. Mr Potter only uses FDA approved materials where available/applicable.

Mr Potter works as part of a team of Consultant Plastic Surgeons. When undertaking aesthetic
surgery on multiple sites Mr Potter may well propose that consultant colleagues within the team with similar sub specialist interests undertake the aesthetic procedures simultaneously as Mr Potter. This means that your operative time is kept as short as possible minimising the anaesthetic time and increasing safety. You will have the opportunity to meet Mr Potter’s colleagues in the outpatient setting to go through their experience and their results prior to any surgery.

Breast Augmentation surgery has recently been shaken by the rare development of Anaplastic large cell Lymphoma which has been linked to certain types of implants. Mr Potter uses implants that at the time of writing this web site have never been linked to such a tumour.

  1. * Khan K, Mykula R, Ryan Kerstein R, Rabey N, Bragg T, Crick A, Heppell S, Budny P, Potter M. A 5-year follow-up study of 633 cutaneous SCC excisions: rates of local recurrence and lymph node metastasis. Accepted In Press JPRAS 2018
  2. * Khan AA, Potter M, Cubitt JJ, Khoda BJ, Smith J, Wright EH, Scerri G, Crick A, Cassell OC, Budny PG. Guidelines for the excision of cutaneous squamous cell cancers in the United Kingdom: The best cut is the deepest. Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2013 Apr;66(4):467-71